24 March 2015

There's a Pinch of Jinger, Under the Cape

Just want to clarify in case anyone is confused. I started a blog in August 2009 - Called "Super Mom - Under the Cape". Unfortuneatly, thanks to my craptastic memory and Googles insanely effective security measures I can no longer access the blog to update it or transfer its content...

Sooooo... I did it the old fashioned way. A little keyboard magic and my hard work in once again live on the interwebz.

If anyone has any concerns about the content - I promise it is all mine. From the froggy cupcakes to the poop eating future Miss USA.

Thanks - this ends our administrative interruption - you may return to your regularly scheduled entertainment at my expense.



ps - there are a few entries that I didn't transfer feel free to check them out http://underthecape.blogspot.com/